Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The greatest team in the history of the world!!! This week!!!!

I try not to complain about booking. It bothers me when people watch RAW and then spend the rest of the week bitching about it on the internet. I mean, if you don't like the show so much, stop watching, Joseph "Complainy Pants" McGillicuddy!

But it's my blog, so I must admit - I absolutely HATED the way the tag team title match on RAW was booked two weeks ago. Here was the scenario:

Shawn Michaels and John Cena have been sort of reluctant tag team champions over the past few months, with Michaels playing head games and teasing a turn. On this week's RAW, they were put in a gauntlet match against three teams: World's Greatest Tag Team, Cade and Murdoch and finally MNM in a steel cage.

In my mind, this was a no-brainer to take the titles off Michaels and Cena in the third match. It wouldn't make them look weak (they just beat 2 other teams) and wouldn't necessarily involve a turn (they could have lost due to a miscommunication). More importantly, the titles would be around the waist of a good team that's actually going to defend them.

I understand the logic of having Michaels and Cena win the titles: by being champions together, they're forced to work together. If they weren't, they logically wouldn't have to be anywhere near each other. It's worked... for a while. I felt like RAW last week was the time to pull the trigger and set the fire that brings the match to that next level.

Personally, I wouldn't have gone with a "will he or won't he turn?" build for the feud. You have a built-in "the future vs. the past" storyline. Cena is the man. Michaels was the man. He's a little older, a little beat-up. Does he have it in him to pull one more big match out of his hat? Or does he pass the torch to the new generation?

While this storyline focuses more on Michaels than Cena, I think it would generate more of an emotional payoff than the current one. That's just me.

As an added bonus, we could have a title vs. title match between MNM and London & Kendrick. Which would be the ballz.


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