Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Breaking News...

... we have officially discovered something at which Kevin Federline is actually genuinely talented. I mean, other than impregnating people.

Am I wrong or was K-Fed terrific last night on RAW? I haven't seen that kind of heel heat drawn in a loooooooong time. And he played it up very well. He's a natural born annoying wrestling villain.

For RAW (which has been specializing in nonsensical booking lately), it was perfect booking. They took the time to have Federline do the whole "I'm not ready to fight" bit. Very old school. And then having him pin Cena and then throw cash on him - very good heel moves. I hate to say this, but I think a lot of the young heels in the WWE could learn a thing or two from Federline.

Granted, he's already universally disliked because of his public image. But man, I was impressed. Now, I don't know if I want to see him on my TV every week. It may have been a one-off and I'm fine with that. But I wouldn't complain about a heel stable of cocky young wannabes with Kevin Federline as their mouthpiece. I mean, if he's not doing anything else.

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