Wednesday, August 16, 2006

ECW 8.15.06

Some thoughts on last night's ECW show. If you haven't seen the show yet, check it out here and meet me over at the picnic table...

Thank you for meeting me. (Wet Hot American Summer, anyone? Did I get the quote right? Aw... forget it.)

- Foley-Flair was great once again. What more can I say about this feud? Probably my two favorite wrestlers of all time are throwing fireballs at each other. Sure they're 10 and 20 years past their respective primes, but still - it's Foley-Flair! I am in wrestling nerd heaven.

On a side note, Kelly's dancing has improved a bit (I'm not ashamed to admit I had a bit of a semi working), but if you needed any more proof that the fake lesbo craze is played out, just look how often girls on WWE TV are grinding with each other. You know a fad is over when Vince finally cops on. I can't wait for Vince to capitalize on the hot new "Rubik's Cube" sensation that's sweeping the nation.

- Jury's still out on CM Punk. I DO like that they had a rematch of his debut opponent, Justin Credible. Why run someone new out to do the job when Justin can do it again? I like the "rematch" - gives the competition a more legit feel. If you lost a match, wouldn't you demand a rematch? Of course you would, you brave sumbitch, you.

- Test & Mike Knox: I think Test is a decent performer, but I'm sort "eh" on this tag team. I think it's smart to put Mike Knox with someone with a little experience. After hearing his promo about Kelly stripping a few weeks back, I was struck with the question: does this guy know that he has chosen "professional wrestler" as his occupation? He just seemed... nice. If you're trying to get heel heat from a wrestling crowd, do you really want to come off so soft-spoken and reasonable?

- The main event was a bit of a disappointment off the bat because Kurt Angle was out of the triple threat ladder match due to injury. I thought the RVD-Sabu match was okay (maybe a B-) and I actually liked the ending spot with Sabu grabbing the contract while on Big Show's shoulders. But when Big Show came down, here's the ending I was hoping for (and almost got):

After RVD and Sabu (and Angle, if he can work some sort of early injury angle where he doesn't have to risk himself in too many spots) beat on each other for 15 minutes, Big Show comes out with Paul Heyman and lays them all out with the ladder. He grabs the contract, declaring himself the winner and the ultimate ECW champion. To prove what a badass he is, he challenges all three contenders to a 4-way ladder match for the ECW title at Summerslam, much to Paul Heyman's shock. Now, THAT would be a match worth shelling out the $40 for PPV (I'm just kidding. I'm way too cheap to buy a PPV). The way the ending actually worked was ok - now we get Big Show vs. Sabu, which is a passable title match. I mean, obviously my booking is better, but what are you going to do?

Usually, I can't stand reading people's internet fantasy booking. People complain about the creative direction of the company, but the complainer's ideas are at least as terrible as whatever angle he is complaining about. "When is Triple H going to be off my TV? Clearly, the most logical thing to do would be to work a Jonathan Coachman vs. Lillian Garcia angle where they fight over the money of the late Big Bossman's estate!"

My dirty little secret? I LOVE fantasy booking. Always have - even as a kid, I'd make out my own angles and PPVs. I don't know what it is - I just find it relaxing. In fact, I'll often sit on the can with a notebook in deep thought, coming up with new stables, angles and PPVs. Give me a pencil, a pad of paper and cheap burrito and I'll give you 3 solid months of WWE television.

So I just had an idea - how about once a week, I throw down a little fantasy booking action? Sounds fun, huh? What do you think? What? That sounds like hell on earth? Come on - it can't be that bad. You overuse hyperbole, you know that?

Well F you all - it's my blog and I'm going to do it. A new feature starting on at the end of the week will be Pfantasy Pfriday sponsored by Pfizer (because I plan on popping a few Viagra before I write). So many reasons to stay tuned and pay attention to me!


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